Chasing the Sun: The Mental Health Benefits of Natural Light Exposure

It is that time of year when the seasonal blues can start to set in. The air is colder, the nights feel

longer, and going outside seems like a chore. While this time of year can feel endless and it can

take a significant toll on your mental health, there are things you can do to boost your mood.

Stepping outside for just 5-15 minutes each morning can help alleviate some of those seasonal

blues to help you feel better. There are a number of benefits to natural light exposure, such as the

boost it provides in the production of a hormone referred to as serotonin. Serotonin is strongly

associated with mood and you may have heard it be referred to as the “happy hormone”. When

your body has enough serotonin in its system, you tend to experience higher levels of happiness

along with an elevated level of mental clarity. A decrease in sun exposure is known to be linked

to the depletion of serotonin within the body, as the production of serotonin is related to the

amount of natural light received by your eyes. During the winter months, it can be hard to get in

that much needed sunlight that is needed for serotonin production. To help in your body's

production of serotonin, try spending a few minutes outside in the morning. If it is a little extra

chilly outside, just pop open the blinds and let the sunlight pour into your home. You can even

treat this as your morning quiet time, grab yourself a hot cup of coffee and sit in front of the

window while you enjoy the morning sun. Although these tasks may appear insignificant, they

can greatly enhance your mood and overall mental well-being.

- Written by Joanna Simms, Undergraduate Intern


The Self-Love Club


Healthy Habit Building