All about Self-Love

Self-love is the best type of love

Self-love is not just taking a bubble bath and getting your nails done. These activities are a great way to show yourself love but self-love is more than that. When someone has self-love for themselves, they can cope better with stressful events compared to individuals without self-love. Individuals who have self-love understand the importance of taking care of themself and prioritize self-care. Research from The American Psychological Association found that self-care practices such as mindfulness, aerobic activity, and eating a balanced diet can lower stress, elevate wellbeing, and improve mood. It is crucial to make time for self-care, It's not a luxury its an investment for yourself and your future self. Self-care can help individuals who are going through a rough time. If I am feeling anxious I like to spend more time with myself and do activities that will benefit myself in the future. Taking a cold shower is something that I have recently been implementing when I feel anxious. Even though taking a cold shower is not fun and can feel uncomfortable in the moment, the after-feeling is amazing. Sometimes pushing yourself to do something difficult gives us a rewarding feeling after completed. Self-love is not always easy but it is doing something that will benefit your future self. We are often taught that self-love is getting a coffee or doing a face mask but it is more. Self-love is creating boundaries, Investing in your health, prioritizing your sleep, and having self-discipline. Hope this motivated you to do something for YOU. 

List of FREE ways to show yourself love

-walking outside


-taking a nap


-speaking kindly to yourself

-practicing gratitude 


-reading a book 

-learning something new

- Written by Jillian Falvo, undergraduate intern


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