Massage Therapy

Carrie Villanueva, a Licensed Massage Therapist brings with her a wealth of knowledge on mind-body healing, and specializes in body work targeted at releasing trauma from the body, decreasing pain, and promoting relaxation.

Her services include:

  • Integrative Massage: incorporates Swedish, Deep Tissue, Therapeutic, Myofascial, Medical, Stretching, Rolling, Jostling, Aromatherapy, Breathwork, Visualization and sometimes sound therapy. Each person's needs are unique, your massage will be as well.

  • Multi-Dimensional Reiki Master Practitioner: While incorporating aromatherapy as well as sound and vibrational frequency,  breathwork and visualization to promote balance and energetic healing within. Allowing you to feel lighter and more peaceful.

  • Traditional Craniosacral Therapy Massage: uses gentle touch manipulation of your head, neck, and the bottom of your spine. Your neck, back, and hips will feel looser and freer. Your massage will begin with craniosacral  and finish with integrative massage.

  • Access Bars: Create more consciousness. Release of trauma and drama to reset the body, mind and soul from self-judgements, blocks, limitations. Many modalities clear the limitations built around words. Access clears the energy underneath the words. Meridian work. Energy work. Aromatherapy

  • Reflexology: is a technique that uses gentle pressure on specific points along your feet (and/or hands and ears) to help bring calmness and relaxation. Also known as zone therapy, it promotes a response from the soft tissue stimulated through the nervous system and meridians to improve gland, organ and system functions. Included aromatherapy. Reflexology alone is a 30 or 60 minutes session. Choose the 90 minute session for massage with reflexology of feet.

Available by Appointment Only: 

Mondays 6pm-10pm

Tuesdays 9am - 3pm and 6pm-10pm

One Saturday per month 9-3pm (for now)

To book a session you can reach out to Carrie at or book online